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How to Replace Old Tiles in Your Bathroom

Replacing bathroom tiles is a time-consuming job and may require at least 2 days worth of your time to get a replacement job done in your bathroom. The good news, however, is that removing and replacing tiles is an easy task and we’re going to show you how it’s done!

Before we start, let’s have a look at the kind of tools and materials that are required for the job:

Tools and materials required:

  1. Flat-headed screwdriver/chisel
  2. Hammer
  3. Grout sponge
  4. Grout float
  5. Brush
  6. Grout finishing tool
  7. Safety goggles
  8. Notched trowel

Step 1: Ensure a safe workspace

Before starting to remove the old tiles from the walls around the bathtub, the first thing to do is to make sure that the area is safe to work in. When you will start using the chisel to remove the tile a lot of chunks and shards will fly off the wall. Wear safety goggles and protective gloves before starting with the removal.

Step 2: Covering up the area

The shards and pieces of tile that will get accumulated may cause scratching and damage on the floor or even the bathroom tub. Therefore it’s necessary to cover the floor as well as the tub with cardboard or an old thick sheet to avoid the damage to other parts of your bathroom.

Step 3: Cutting the caulk line

Before beginning to remove the tiles it is necessary to cut the silicone or caulking that is in place which is helping the tile stick to the wall. Cutting through the caulk will help remove the tiles easily and won’t destroy or damage the walls.

Step 4: Removing the tiles

Once the caulk is cut, use a flat-head screwdriver or a thin chisel and start hammering it behind the tile to pry it off from the wall. Make sure not to exert too much pressure as it might cause damage to the wall itself. A sidebar tool can also be used to pry off the tiles. Remove all the tiles using this method.

Step 5: Polishing the surface

After the tiles are removed, it is important to polish the surface and even it out before applying the new tile so as to maintain the evenness of the wall. Use a grout sponge or a brush to polish and smoothen out the surface.

Step 6: Preparing new tiles

Once the surface is polished, it is time to prepare the new tiles in order to place them permanently on the wall. This is done by applying adhesive on the back of the tile. Use a notched trowel to spread the adhesive evenly on the back of the tile as well as the wall. Make sure that you spread the adhesive evenly on the back of the tile so that when it is pasted on the wall, it doesn’t become uneven.

Step 7: Placing the tiles

Now, place the tile in the position where it is supposed to be on the wall and firmly press it so that it stays in place. Wait for the adhesive to dry out and your tile will be firmly placed.

Step 8: Evening the spaces in between

Once the tile is firmly placed, you will notice gaps between them. Use a grout float to apply grout on the spaces between the tile. Make sure that the grout is applied evenly by working it into the joints between the tiles.

Step 9: Smoothening the edges

As the grout starts to dry up, use a grout finishing tool and run it across the grout lines all over your wall in between the tiles to get a neat finish with no grout sticking out of the edges.

Step 10: Final touch

Once the grout and the tile are completely in place, buff the wall with a grout sponge and wipe off any gunk that is remaining on the wall. Once you’re done your new wall will be ready.

Costs involved:

The cost to install tiles is calculated on a per-square-foot basis. The average price for tile installation sits around $15$20. A 200 square-foot space will cost you around $3000$4000 for a professional job. Materials and labor make up most of the expense that is involved.

There are a variety of materials used for tiles such as porcelain, ceramic, porcelain wood tile, as well as glass. Homeowners can choose from inexpensive machine-made tiles that cost $1 a-foot to expensive designer porcelain tiles. Labor costs for tile installation vary depending on where you live but on average, the costs run around $4 to $32 per-square-foot.

With this guide, we hope you get a detailed idea of the process of replacing tiles in your bathroom and the costs that are involved with the job.