The integration is already built into JustEZ. All you need to do is to sign up for a Dropbox account first. Once it is connected, you can easily create inspections, sync all media to cloud and access it from everywhere.
Why connect JustEZ with Dropbox ?
JustEZ supports claim management system such as ClaimColony. Now, directly sync up on claim statues and notes from claim management system.
The integration is already built into JustEZ. If you are a ClaimColony user, you need to enter your account credentials to get it connected. Once connected, you can easily work on inspections assigned to you under your account.
JustEZ supports Wi-Fi Cameras such as Olympus, Nikon. And even if your camera does not have an in-built Wi-Fi, you can use any SD card that has Wi-Fi capabilities such as Flashair SD card and all the media will get synced to inspections automatically.
Why should you connect with Wifi Cameras?
JustEZ integrates with almost all email client services. Now ease off your task of creating inspections by forwarding emails only.
Forward emails to create inspection